[Free State Region]:
Manchester area with less controversy

Manchester Forkupines

Purpose: discussion of liberty related/of interest things in the area

Activities: Discussion

Target Segment: Manchester porcs and porcs who frequent Manchester

Expectations to remain a member: Must follow admin’s requests. No bringing up controversial topics that are not Manchester region specific. A few verbotem topics (fascism, abortion, …) Don’t spam (light local ads okay)

Primary platform(s): Signal

Information about joining: Contact Nate the trucker for access

Contact: Nate the trucker

[Free State Region]:
Happenings in and around Manchester, emphasis on liberty!

Manchester Porcupines

Purpose: Discuss Manchester happenings, minus the controversy

Activities: Discussion

Target Segment: Manchester area Porcs and Porcs frequenting Manchester

Relationship to other groups: This is a more inclusive group. There is also a Signal group called Manchester Forkupines which is more stringent. A few different FB groups as well. Debates should go to the various discourse groups or to Anything Goes.

Membership size: 180

Geographical Center: This virtual group often sets up local meetups

Requirements to Join: Should be known to one of many admins

Expectations to remain a member: Debate Free. Argue abortion, get evicted.

Primary platform(s): Signal

Information about joining: Reach out on other boards to find an admin who will add you?

Contact: Several Admins

[Free State Region]:
North Country on Signal

NC Porcupines

Purpose: Discuss North Country planned activities and interests

Activities: Discussion

Target Segment: North Country Porcupines, and Porcupines who are interested in attending North Country events

Relationship to other groups: FB groups, and IRL groups

Membership size: 25

Geographical Center: Signal but IRL events planned

Requirements to Join: Be known to someone in North Country

Expectations to remain a member: Contribute to discussion, attend events

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Information about joining: Contact Fletcher or Gaston

Contact: Fletcher/Gaston:

[Free State Region]:
Seacoast on Signal

Freecoast Liberty

Purpose: Virtual meetup of Porcupines and Porcupine-prospects interested in Seacoast activities

Target Segment: Porcupines who live in the Seacoast region, or who come often to the Seacoast. Prospective movers who are highly interested in moving to the Seacoast.

Benefits: Talk about local issues and plan upcoming events

Relationship to other groups: The SHELL signal group is for SHELL members to plan SHELL events and SHELL business. Discussions that veer into long discussions will be asked to be moved to Discourse or Anything Goes.

Membership size: 280

Geographical Center: Seacoast

Requirements to Join: Must be brought in by a Seacoaster. Introduce yourself and your interest in the seacoast.

Expectations to remain a member: Follow admin’s requests for which topics are permitted in the group.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Information about joining: Introduce yourself to a seacoast and ask to join. Be sure to intro yourself when you join so people know who you are.

Contact: Joël/Sarah

[Free State Region]:
Pemi Valley on Signal

Pemi Valley Porcupines

Purpose: Discussion regional activities and business for Pemi Valley region

Target Segment: Pemi Valley Porcupines, prospects highly interested in Pemi Valley, and Porcupines interacting with Pemi Valley often

Membership size: 30

Geographical Center: Pemi Valley (e.g., Plymouth)

Requirements to Join: Meet with Pemi Valley and ask to join

Expectations to remain a member: Be engaged with Pemi Valley

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Information about joining: Contact Pemi Valley admins to discuss joining. Best go to a meetup.

Contact: Alex/ Derek/ Ken:

[Free State Region]:
Do stuff in Portsmouth

Portsmouth Porcpuinss

Purpose: Gatherings and discussions on Portsmouth

Target Segment: Portsmouth and Portsmouth favorable porcupines

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Jeffrey Y

[Free State Region]:
Connect with Sommersworth Porcupines


Purpose: Somersworth

Target Segment: Somersworth

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

[Free State Region]:

Upper Valley Porcs

Primary platform(s): Signal

FSP mushroom lovers, hunters and growers

Free State Mushrooms

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown


porc automotive diy/fab/resto

Purpose: Unkown

Target Segment: Unkown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unkown

Network with people your age and build a social web.

Liberty Adults under 30

Purpose: Network with people your age and build a social web. Air out your frustrations about out of touch old people, or just chat about whatever. Strictly 18+ but the 30yr old age limit isn’t necessarily strict, I figure as people get too old to relate they will self filter out of the chat.

Target Segment: Porcupines under 30

Primary platform(s): Signal


Information about joining: Join on signal. Must have someone vouch for you.

Contact: Dylan

Social and political events in NH

NH Social Club

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown


Free State Singles

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

Sail and sing for a week on a tall ship out in Atlantic in the August/Sept

FSP Tall Ship Sing & Sail

Purpose: Coordinate Porcupines who want to sail for a week on a tall ship out in the Atlantic in the August/Sept time frame, usually w/ music.

Activities: Coordinate annual tall ship sails

Target Segment: Sailors and singers

Relationship to other groups: Sailing group

Membership size: 5

Geographical Center: Virtual; shipboard

Primary platform(s): Signal, Shipboard


Contact: Dennis Pratt

Decentralized excursions into the NH wilderness

Free State Explorers

Purpose: decentralized excursions into the outdoors

Target Segment: Outdoorsy types

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unkonwn

Share pictures of our outdoor adventures and try to get together

Free State outdoors, share, plan

Purpose: Share pictures of our outdoor adventures and try to get together

Target Segment: Outdoor phorotographers

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

Out of shape? Recovering from an injury? Let’s go on some easy hikes and get started

Hiking for Starters

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

Acting on Stage Like You’re Free

Free State Theatre

Purpose: to put on plays and shows and vignettes and readings and mocumentaries

Activities: Exercise your theater bug. Demonstrate your skill.

Target Segment: Budding thespians

Benefits: Exercise your acting skills. Write plays.

Membership size: 35

Geographical Center: Virtual and IRL around the state.

Requirements to Join: Porcupine who wants to act

Expectations to remain a member: Support the actors.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Information about joining: Please share your interest in joining.

Contact: Dennis Pratt

Making music in a Free State

Musicians in the Free State

Purpose: Discuss jamming, equipment, shows, band formations.

Activities: discussions on line and jamming and playing IRL

Target Segment: Any Porcupine aligned musician

Membership size: 21

Requirements to Join: Click and intro yourself.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown


Metal in the Free State

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown


The Music

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

[Political Activism]:
Activism that requires minimal effort


Purpose: Announce easy ways that Porcupines can advance liberty from the comfort of their home.

Activities: Post and engage in easy activism opportunities such as emailing reps or doing remote testimony by signing in. Do polls. Testify on line. Upvote videos.

Target Segment: Porcupines who are willing to spend a few minutes every once in a while to advance a liberty or free state effort from their home.

Benefits: Help from your couch

Membership size: 50

Geographical Center: Virtual

Expectations to remain a member: Not for chit-chat, memes, debate, or anything that does not comprise slacktivism

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

[Political Activism]:
Want to know whom to vote for?

Liberty Ballot (CrowdSourced)

Purpose: Porcupines, including political leaders, offer their opinions on Free State political matters, including voting.

Activities: During voting season, recommending Ward level voting. In between, strategizing political steps

Target Segment: Porcupines who want to make the maximum impact in their voting in their ward and want to understand the lay of the land. Senior political leaders who want to explain what is going on politically.

Membership size: 50

Expectations to remain a member: Be cool

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Political Activism]:
Your one stop shop for liberty activism for the 2024 election season

2024 Election Action Center

Purpose: Your one stop shop for liberty activism for the 2024 election season

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: unknown

[Political – single issue]:
Expand medical freedom in the free state

Free State Medical Freedom

Purpose: Expand medical freedom in the free state

Target Segment: Porcupines who focus on medical freedom

Primary platform(s): Signal

Information about joining: Contact admin or seek other members

Contact: Sarah F

[Political – single issue]:
Israel, Zionism, Arabs, and You

Israel, Palestine, or You

Purpose: Location for the common and endless debates over israel, Palestianians, Zionism, Zionism capture of DC, etc.

Target Segment: People who like to argue the Israel/Palestinian/Arab/Zionism questions

Relationship to other groups: Other groups often will send debating members here to relieve their group of this debate that threatens to take it over

Membership size: 15

Geographical Center: Virtual

Requirements to Join: Join up if you’re interested, or if another group points you to it.

Expectations to remain a member: Speak civilly to one another on this sensitive topic.

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Political – single issue]:
First before, first again

N.H. Independence

Purpose: Discuss the politics, feasibility, diffusion, logistics, education of New Hampshire independence

Activities: Discussions

Target Segment: Porcupines who want NH to eventually secede.

Relationship to other groups: FB; website

Geographical Center: Signal, Zoom

Primary platform(s): Signal, Zoom


Contact: Unknown

[Political – single issue]:
Talk about Body Freedom

Body Freedom Village – Info

Purpose: Chat here about BFV for PF

Target Segment: Porcupines and adjacent who engage in nudity at PF and other places

Membership size: 60

Expectations to remain a member: No trolling. This is positive for this group

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Jeff Y

[Political – single issue]:
Good news about Milei and Argentina

Milei News Chat Group

Purpose: Discuss Javier Milei and Argentina politics.

Target Segment: Milei positive Porcupines and Porc-Adjacent

Membership size: 60

Geographical Center: Signal

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Scott Sheller

[Political – single issue]:
Health freedom is non-negotiable

Health Freedom NH

Purpose: Grassroots effort for bodily autonomy, informed consent, and medical privacy

Target Segment: liberty and health-minded people driving health freedom and body autonomy paradigm shifts

Benefits: making connections, getting involved, sharing life & being in the loop. Members are vetted.

Membership size: 130

Requirements to Join: Must be vetted

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life, Website


Information about joining: You must be vetted. Contact website

Contact: Unknown

[Political – single issue]:
Live free, die free.

Die Free

Purpose: Allowing Granite Staters the self-ownership to die as they choose, by removing laws that prevent us from getting the proper chemicals and the proper assistance should we want it.

Activities: Discussing, sharing videos and talks, testifying, alerting, meeting in real life

Target Segment: Porcupines who believe we have absolute ownership over our own bodies, and may choose to die however we choose, and anything less is slavery

Relationship to other groups: New Hampshire Alliance for End of Life Options (NHEALO, also “NH Options”) is a primarily progressive NH group that leads political action to pass legislation. Drinks over Dying is a group that allows people to meet and talk about dying. Death Cafe is similar

Membership size: 35

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Political – single issue]:

FSP Cannactivism

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

[Political – single issue]:
First before, first again

N.H. Independence

Purpose: Discuss eventual NH secession from DC

Target Segment: People interested in the ins and outs of NH secession.

Membership size: 84

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

[Political – single issue]:

YIMBY Porcupines

Primary platform(s): Signal

[Political org]:
LPNH members

LPNH Fan Club

Purpose: Place of Libertarian Party of NH members to discuss liberty, LP, political, and LPNH things.

Target Segment: LPNH paying members

Relationship to other groups: There used to be a FB group, which is largely ignored? There are subgroups (committees, special interest, etc) one might join by invitation.

Membership size: 60

Requirements to Join: Be a paying member of the LPNH.

Expectations to remain a member: Don’t be a dick.Maintain your membership

Primary platform(s): Signal

Information about joining: Contact an LPNH executive committee member if you are a paying member.

Contact: LPNH Executive Committee

[Political org]:
If LPNH is too milquetoast for you, you may be Free State Based

Free State Based Caucus

Purpose: Explore beyond LPNH as a right Ipaleo) liberty political org

Activities: Discussions, meetups

Target Segment: “Based” members of LPNH or ex-LPNH.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Information about joining: Ask in LPNH Fanclub, go to meetups, and ask to join

Contact: Unknown

Chat w/ Porcupines about the Big News of the day

Chat: Big News

Purpose: Talk and opine about big national news as it breaks.

Activities: Discussion

Target Segment: People who like to follow national news and want to talk amongst the Porcupines about it.

Benefits: Keep up to date w/ big news and find out what various Porcupines think.

Membership size: 50

Geographical Center: Virtual only

Requirements to Join: Just join

Expectations to remain a member: Don’t be a dick

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

For topics that no other group wants … yet.

Porc Anything Goes

Purpose: The final repository for discussions you can’t have anywhere else.

Activities: Discuss topics that don’t fit in other groups. Whatever you want.

Target Segment: Porcs who like to talk about things most others don’t talk about.

Benefits: Come here to talk about topics that the other groups aren’t intereted in. If enough people are interested in a topic, you can always create a new group to focus on that topic.

Membership size: 40

Geographical Center: Signal

Requirements to Join: Porcupine

Expectations to remain a member: You have to be a real dick to get kicked out of this group. Don’t be a real dick.

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

When you’re ready to argue and to learn from one another, come here with your topic.

Liberty Discourse

Purpose: Debate topics back and forth on line

Activities: When a topic becomes too hot in another group, bring it here to debate.

Target Segment: Argumentative sorts. Helps if reasonable.

Benefits: Clear other groups of debates. Get the on line debaters in one room. Talk over controversial topics.

Membership size: 140

Geographical Center: Signal oly

Requirements to Join: Porcupine with a topic you want to discuss. Invite others to come and debate it on this page.

Expectations to remain a member: If the topic becomes too overwhelming the admin may ask you to take it to Anything Goes, or you can create your own group for perennial topics (e.g., Abortion; israel)

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Nate

Civil discourse w/o the nastiness

No Trolls Discourse

Purpose: Civil discourse, but no other rigid rules YET. Your comments should contribute to the discussion. Some suggestions:

Target Segment: some form of libertarian who engage in good faithargumenxt, without laugh emoji, memes, and slurs discourages people from sharing controversial ideas. higher quality than the propaganda on Buzzfeed / Breitbart

Benefits: Attempt at more civil discourse

Relationship to other groups: Liberty Discourse may be more rough and tumble.

Membership size: 65

Geographical Center: Virtual

Expectations to remain a member: No laugh emoji, memes, and slurs

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Jeff Y

The debate before the debate

IRL Debate Warmup

Purpose: Live Free & Debate members can pre-debate upcoming in real life debates

Target Segment: Live Free & Debate members who want to debate upcoming debates

Relationship to other groups: Live Free & Debate group focuses on setting up debates. This group allows members to debate the debate topics. Liberty Discourse group had virtual debates which do not end in IRL debates

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

How Does This Tweet Help or Hurt?

Mean Tweets Discussion

Purpose: Group where people who want to complain or opine about Porcupine tweets (e.g., LPNH’s) being too mean or counterproductive, and discuss tactics and strategies with those who appreciate more bold SM approaches.

Activities: Review tweets, discuss SM strategy and tactics

Target Segment: Porcupines who believe certain SM hurts the movement, or who believe bold SM can help the movement.

Benefits: Give feedback and learn SM techniques and rationales.

Relationship to other groups: This is a sink for all the discussions around social media that often clog up other discourse groups.

Membership size: 2

Geographical Center: Virtual

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt


the New Revolution

Primary platform(s): Signal

[Community group]:
The SHELL on Signal

Shell Members

Purpose: Discuss SHELL business and SHELL events

Target Segment: Paying SHELL members

Relationship to other groups: Freecoast and FSP.Org/Community advertises SHELL activities. Please send debate to Discourse or Anything Goes

Membership size: 40

Geographical Center: Virtual and at The SHELL

Requirements to Join: Become a paying member of The SHELL community clubhouse.

Expectations to remain a member: pay monthly membership dues and help The SHELL thrive

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Information about joining: Join The SHELL and ask to be added.

Contact: Scott Sheller/Stephen Nass:

[Community group]:
Tell FB Free Staters what’s going on in the Free State

Free State Prickle

Purpose: Internal communications amongst Free Staters on FB

Target Segment: Free Staters on FB

Relationship to other groups: This is suitable for internal communications. Free State Project group is only for out-communications to prospects.

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Mickey Mullin

[Free State Information]:
Sponsors of the Free State

Porcupine Patrons

Purpose: A place for regular financial contributors to the Free State Project to discuss its opportunities

Activities: Share big ideas for the project; support ongoing initiatives. Initiate initiatives.

Target Segment: Investors in the Free State Project

Benefits: Ability to opine on matters where FSP Board and directors can easily see. Connect with real movers and shakers who are willing to put their saved labor on the line for the project.

Geographical Center: Signal

Requirements to Join: Contribute financially regularly or largely (esp monthly) to the Free State Project.

Expectations to remain a member: Continued financial support. Support of the project. Support of initiatives. Bringing opportunities to the Project.

Primary platform(s): Signal

Information about joining: If you contribute $$ regularly, ask the FSP Director for access.

Contact: FSP Director

[Free State Information]:
Tell out-of-state liberty lovers why they should move here to help build our libertarian homeland

Free State Project

Purpose: Communicate to out-of-state FSP-curious cool things happening in the Free State for FOMO

Activities: Answer questions, offer opinions, share events and stories

Target Segment: Porcupines dedicated to helping move more libertarians to NH.

Benefits: Can access the people who self-select on FB to find out more about the Free State.

Relationship to other groups: FB Prickle is for internal communications, whereas this is for out communications.

Membership size: 10700

Geographical Center: Virtual

Expectations to remain a member: Do not troll, nor air dirty laundry. This is a selling site. If you can’t hold back, go elsewhere.

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Chris Lopez

[Free State Information]:
Learn about the Free State

Free State Tours

Purpose: Guided bus tours around the state

Target Segment: Out of staters, or newly moved

Membership size: 95

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Free State Information]:
Free State on Discord

Free State Project (Discord)

Purpose: Discord chat about the FSP

Target Segment: Out-of-staters interested in the Free State movement and Porcupines interested in bringing newbies here.

Primary platform(s): Discord


Contact: Unknown

[Free State Information]:
Ins and Outs of Concentration Strategy for NH

Concentrating Better

Purpose: * What is, iIts central role, how applied, its impact, challenges, discoveries, where stands, how to increase to speed, smaller concentrations (e.g., “Free Town Project” outside/inside NH)

Activities: Learn what it is and how it gives us an advantage, where we are, what its implications are, and how to utilize it.

Target Segment: Free State Strategists

Relationship to other groups: Underlies many groups, especially groups that proseltyize the Free State, or want to utilize NH”s greater concentration for advantage.

Membership size: 30

Expectations to remain a member: Be kind Be respectful. Differences are expected. State your difference and move on.

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Free State information]:
Explaining the Libertarian Homeland to newbies

Intro to FSP and NH Liberty

Purpose: Friendly Porcupines offer potential & new movers answers and pointers about liberty, about the Free State Project, about the larger Free State movement, about various liberty communities, and about how to connect, integrate, and impact.

Activities: Listen to newbie questions. Write or copy over answers.

Target Segment: For potential & new movers trying to get the lay of the NH land. For our friendliest Porcupines who are willing to suggest answers and pointers as to what we are doing and how they can best connect up

Benefits: Newbies get a great overview from friendly knowledgable Porcupines, and basic questions are replicated and not clogging up the other groups.

Relationship to other groups: The is the base level group for new movers or for prospects to learn the basic information that the other groups assume.

Requirements to Join: Porcupines: Friendly and willing to explicate. Newbies: Curoius

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Free State Discussion]:
Concentration Strategy, Diffusion, and Winning

Concentrating Better

Purpose: Understand what Concentration Strategy is and how to improve

Target Segment: FSP thinkers and newbies

Benefits: Understand the unique strategy undermining our movement

Relationship to other groups: Intro to FSP gives newbies intro to basic concepts. Converting Better is discussion about Converting Strategy. Free Town Project is conversation about concentrating movers into one town to accelerate diffusion three.

Expectations to remain a member: Stay on topic.

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Free State Discussion]:
Converting more normies faster to libertarianism

Converting Better

Purpose: Discuss improving methods to convert nonlibertarians to liberty.

Activities: Discuss methods

Target Segment: People who know how to convert and/or want to learn how to convert better

Relationship to other groups: Concentrating Better is for discussion about doing the Concentration Strategy better.

Membership size: 10

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Free State Discussion]:
This time doing Free Town Project right.- without bears

FreeVille – Free Town Project 2

Purpose: Discuss the possibility and requirements for a group of Free Staters to concentrate – successfully – in a single town – accelerating the concentration there and advancing liberty there the fastest.

Activities: Strategizing and planning and choosing

Target Segment: Free Staters interested in concentrating in a small NH town and there building has the maximum liberty. Could be those interested in moving and building, or those who have ideas about how to do this well this time

Relationship to other groups: Concentrating Better discuses diffusion in general and its from where this forked.

Membership size: 10

Requirements to Join: Must be interested in supporting a successful Free Town Project

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Denni Pratt

[Event Communication]:
Announcements of upcoming inter-regional events and groups

NoChat:Events/Groups for Porcs

Purpose: Share open porcupine events that are inter-regional – where you want others to come. Share also new or expanding groups.

Activities: Think of this as a listing of upcoming events that may or may not appear on the FSP.Org calendar, but are available to you as a community member of the FSP.

Target Segment: Members of the FSP who want to find their subgroup, or do something fun, or find new things to work on,.

Benefits: Get a good overview of the set of activities taking place in NH.

Membership size: 300

Geographical Center: Virtual listing, but the events are all over as well as virtual

Requirements to Join: Should be FSP proponent – interested in expanding the Free State via activities that include politics, community development, social, single issue, etc.

Expectations to remain a member: Please do not discuss, comment, ask questions, etc. on this board. DM the poster, or there is a separate group “Chat:Events” that supports wide-ranging discussions of events.

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis

[Event Communication]:
Talk about the events and groups listed in NoChat: Events/Groups

Chat: Events/Groups for Porcs

Purpose: Allow discussion, comments, questions, proposals, coordination around chats and groups that are announced on the Events/Groups NoChat group

Activities: Discussions around activities

Target Segment: Active Porcupines coordinating events or groups

Benefits: Get to talk about what’s gong on

Membership size: 200

Geographical Center: Virtual but impacts IRL

Requirements to Join: Be a Porcupine. Especially good for organizers so can talk about their events and answer questions.

Expectations to remain a member: Stay on the topic of the events scheduled. If discussion starts to philosophical, go to the Discourse group. If topic starts to go off on other things, DM or go to Anything Goes

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Prat

[Event Communication]:
Announcements Only of Seacoast events

Seacoast Events -No ChitChat

Purpose: Listing of upcoming events – without any discussion, comments, or questions.

Target Segment: Seacoast folks who just want to be kept up to date on events.

Benefits: Succinct listing of events so can find them quickly and plan your week.

Relationship to other groups: Freecoast signal group. The SHELL signal group

Membership size: 150

Geographical Center: Seacoast

Requirements to Join: Should be known to Seacoast admin or active on Freecoast signal group or a member of the SHELL

Expectations to remain a member: Please do not comment. This is for announcements only. Remain interested in the seacoast region.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Information about joining: Ask to join in either Freecoast or The SHELL groups, or contact seacoast or admin

Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Event Communication]:
Quill adjacent event announcements only

Quill #NoChitChat Announcements

Purpose: List announcements of Quill and Quill adjacent events – no chit chat

Target Segment: Quill members interested in events

Benefits: Just a list of events of interest to Quill members

Relationship to other groups: Quill group

Requirements to Join: Quill membership

Expectations to remain a member: Don’t chit chat, discuss, question, etc. (hard out)

Primary platform(s): Signal


Information about joining: Please fill out the form to apply for Quill membership.and then ask to be added.

Contact: Steve Z

[Event Communication]:
Find open Porcupine events all throughout the state

Free State Project Calendar

Purpose: Find open Porcupine events all throughout the state

Target Segment: Anyone interested in attending Porcupine events

Primary platform(s): Website


Information about joining: Look here for what is happinging in the various regions. Send Chris Lopez your event if you want to advertise it to Porcupines.

Contact: Chris Lopez

[Organizing Events]:
Help emerging liberty-for-real societies advance to the next level of liberty.

NH Liberty Forum

Purpose: A once-a-year conference to brainstorm solutions for problems faced by liberty-for-real societies

Activities: Presentations, discussions, brainstorming, connecting, supporting

Target Segment: Intellectuals, planners, visionaries, organizers, founders who not only think about liberty-for-real, but actually want to implement it in real life.

Benefits: Explore the current state of advancement of liberty-for-real societies. Help overcome obstacles. Coordinate with other people who are serious about creating liberty-for-real.

Membership size: 200

Geographical Center: Usually meet in early spring in Concord-Manchester-Nashua area.

Requirements to Join: Buy ticket, give presentation, be exhibitor, volunteer to help, or be a sponsor.

Expectations to remain a member: Provide ideas and support to one another.

Primary platform(s): In real life


eMail: DennisGPratt@GMail.Com

Phone: 781-413-6014

Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Organizing Events]:
Plan out your PorcFest

PorcFest Plans

Purpose: Talk about going to PorcFest

Activities: advertise your hub, discuss guests, camping, talks, travel, etc.

Target Segment: Potential PorcFest attendees

Benefits: Connect up and find out who’s going whom you might want to meet and what you might want to do.

Relationship to other groups: PorcFest is also on Telegram, but this tends to be the primary discussion venue

Membership size: 3400

Geographical Center: FB

Expectations to remain a member: Build don’t bitch. Dissing FSP, NH, volunteers, guests, speakers, etc will have you removed.

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Constance Spencer

[Organizing Events]:
Plan your NH Liberty Forum visit

Liberty Forum

Purpose: Discuss the upcoming Liberty Forum

Target Segment: potential attendees, speakers, sponsors

Membership size: 230

Expectations to remain a member: May may bitch. Respectful to FSP, NH, speakers, attendees, guests, volunteers.

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Dennis Pratt

[Organizing Events]:
PorcFest on Telegram

PorcFest Attendee Chat

Purpose: Talk on Telegram about the upcoming PorcFest – speakers, events, how-to, connection

Target Segment: PorcFest attendees and potential attendees

Relationship to other groups: PorcFest Plans on FB is primary. This has a lot of folks who refuse FB.

Membership size: 750

Primary platform(s): Telegram


Contact: Constance Spencer

[Porcupine Segment]:

Women in the Free State

Purpose: Women meet to chat

Activities: Discussion; meetups

Target Segment: Female Porcupines

Benefits: Create community

Geographical Center: Virtual and meetups at different homes

Requirements to Join: Unknown

Expectations to remain a member: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Information about joining: Contact Olga Sorens

Contact: Olga Sorens

[Porcupine Segment]:
High tolerance, welcoming, live & let live Free Staters

Friendly Free Staters

Purpose: This is a support group for Free Staters who welcome the diversity of humanity who will seek liberty. We not only “live and let live”, we empathically tolerate even those who live their lives in a manner we might not choose for *ourselves* – even tolerating those who are themselves intolerant of others and even of ourselves – as long as they respect everyone’s self-ownership and its derivatives.

Target Segment: Hyper tolerant, friendly, live&let live libertarians in the Free State

Relationship to other groups: Personal Growth Liberty

Membership size: 25

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Dennis Pratt

Work with others to reduce internal obstacles and gain new skills to achieve even greater success.

Personal Growth Liberty

Purpose: Personal growth is the individual side of freedom, while libertarianism is the external. Many of our most difficult obstacles preventing us from expressing our personal excellence are internal rather than external. In this group, we work to reduce those internal obstacles, even while we focus on external obstacles in other groups.

Activities: We share thoughts, courses, events, activities, tricks, progress, and questions around our personal growth. We also discuss and attend formal seminars and workshops (e.g., Insight seminars), as well as meet to do exercises together in mini workshops.

Target Segment: For Porcupines who seek internal freedom, as well as their external freedom. You should be curious about what makes you tick, comfortable exploring that with others, open to personal questions, available to others’ disclosures, tolerant of each person’s different path and methods, and trustworthy in confidentiality.

Benefits: Frequent ideas for improving your conscious traversal through your life.

Membership size: 60

Geographical Center: Most activity is via Signal group, however, we do travel to events and workshops, sometimes even to seminars outside the Free State.

Requirements to Join: Please introduce yourself when you enter, and share a bit about your personal growth history and personal growth goals. If you are unknown, the moderator may ask you additional questions.

Expectations to remain a member: Confidentiality. Support. No trolling. No screenshots. Mute anyone who is annoying. Lurking w/o engagement will eventually cause you to be removed as this is a high trust group.

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Information about joining: Please introduce yourself upon entering, describe your journey so far and your goals, and your intention for how you might use this group for your benefit.

Contact: Dennis Pratt

Freedom begins within – personal and spiritual growth and community gatherings

Rooted Free

Purpose: To support individuals in living more sovereign, vibrant, and connected lives

Activities: Group retreats, circles, yoga and ecstatic dance, farm to table meals, medicine journeys

Target Segment: For those passionate about evolving and cocreating

Benefits: Decondition from the programming!

Geographical Center: Rooted Free Farm, Henniker NH

Requirements to Join: Free membership – must agree with core values

Primary platform(s): Signal, Facebook, In real life, Website, Membership


Contact: Lauren Noone

Porcupines broadly focused on health, nutrition, body building and other forms of physical

Fit Porcupines

Purpose: Porcupines broadly focused on health, nutrition, body building and other forms of physical

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

Learn, teach, buy, sell precious metals on Seacoast

Porc Precious Metals

Purpose: Buy sell precious metals

Target Segment: Porcupines who want to diversify into metals

Membership size: 40

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

Longest consecutively running crypto meetup in the world

Free State Crypto

Purpose: Crypto related topics and Manchester meetup

Target Segment: Crypto and wanna-be crypto

Relationship to other groups: Other regional crypto groups.

Membership size: 70

Geographical Center: Virtual & Manchester

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown

Buy/Sell Stuff on the Seacoast

Freecoast Buy/Sell/Trade Group

Purpose: Buy/Sell/Trade items in the seacoast area with other Porcs. Legal items only, please. 👀

Target Segment: Seacoasters and seacoast adjacent interested in trade

Benefits: less expensive items amongst friends

Membership size: 32

Geographical Center: Virtual

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Zer0

Rideshare to interregional events

Seacoast meet n Ride sharing

Purpose: Coordinate rides to events outside the Seacoast

Target Segment: People who’d like to ride share to Porcupine events outside the region

Membership size: 28

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Gaston

Buy and sell w/ Porcupines

FSP Porc Sales

Purpose: Buy and sell stuff amongst Porcupines

Target Segment: Free Staters w/ stuff to sell or want to buy within network

Relationship to other groups: Rent-a-porc can hire folks

Membership size: 290

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Constance Spencer

A central room for liberty lovers to explore the Libertarian Homeland

Independence Inn

Purpose: The Independence Inn provides a central site for liberty lovers to explore the Free State.

Target Segment: Visitors, guests, liberty-curious, week-long ad month-long deals

Benefits: Rooms within a 360 degree drive to most porcupine locations: 30 min to Concord, Dover,, Lakes, Epping, Rochester, Moose Mountain. 40 minutes to The SHELL, Manchester, Exeter, Portsmouth. 50 minutes to Ossipee, Henniker, Laconia, Hampton Beach, Weare. Periodic gatherings of Porcupines at the Inn itself.

Geographical Center: Strafford NH

Requirements to Join: DM owner. Get discount code. Register through website

Expectations to remain a member: Treat facilities with respect

Primary platform(s): In real life


eMail: DennisGPratt@GMail.Com

Information about joining: First talk w/ Dennis. get the discount, and use code on website.

Contact: Dennis Pratt

Demonstrate community by welcoming new Porcupines

FSP Welcome Wagon

Purpose: Help new movers move into their home by unpacking their U-Haul for a pizza party.

Target Segment: Free Staters who want to welcome newbies with a show of volunteer spirit

Relationship to other groups: Free State Project group reaches out to potential movers; this is where we welcome them

Membership size: 950

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Chris Lopez

Find your home or temporary resting place

FSP Housing Search

Purpose: Find a house in New Hampshire from Free Staters

Target Segment: New movers and movers

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Chris Lopez

developing housing in the Free State

Liberty Housing Project

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

Video editing for freedom

FSPVideo Level 1 Editing Class

Purpose: Learn video editing skills while helping the FSP edit videos for outreach

Activities: Learn video skills from a documentary film maker while you create content that will be used to recruit new liberty lovers to the free state. More advanced classes available.

Target Segment: People interested in video editing and in helping the FSP.

Relationship to other groups: FSP Tech Team; PorcFest; Liberty Foru

Membership size: 6

Geographical Center: IRL and zoom classes

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life, Zoom


Contact: Unknown

Free State techies

Porc Devs

Purpose: Tech gathering for support, work, ideas

Target Segment: Techies and folks looking for techies

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

Find a job; list a job

FSP Job Alert

Purpose: Advertise or find a job

Target Segment: Job providers and job seekers who want to hire/work w/i the Free State network

Membership size: 3500

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Chris Lopez

Find a Porc to do it; Be a Porc who does it

FSP Rent-A-Porc

Purpose: Hire each other for fun and profit and small tasks

Target Segment: Have a skill? Need a skill?

Membership size: 550

Primary platform(s): Facebook


Contact: Constance Spencer

Work for Liberty

Work for Liberty

Purpose: A Discord server of >500 people who help each other find jobs and grow projects.

Activities: I help people find jobs.

Target Segment: Active job searchers, people who may be open to becoming employed by a pro liberty organization, entrepreneurs, idea people, people who can post jobs.

Benefits: Get paid to advance liberty.

Membership size: 525

Geographical Center: https://discord.gg/Ap9T2Dts3Q

Requirements to Join: Join the Discord, don’t spam the group

Primary platform(s): Discord


eMail: drigotas@duck.com

Information about joining: https://discord.gg/Ap9T2Dts3Q Always free- including a PDF of the book I wrote (Work for Liberty: a guide to getting a job in the liberty movement, which is now outdated.

Contact: Conner Drigotas

Bring the Mises Institute to NH

Mises Club NH

Purpose: Seeking Free State ties to the venerable Mises Institute where they hold programming, visits, seminars, classes, etc here in the Free State, and eventually perhaps even have a “satellite” here in the Libertarian Homeland.

Activities: Discussions, talks, presentations

Target Segment: Porcupines who love Mises Institute

Relationship to other groups: Not related to Mises Caucus.

Membership size: 50

Expectations to remain a member: Stay on topic

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life

Contact: Lukas the German


No New Normal | N.H.

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown

Liberation per artem

Free State Creative

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown


Sigma Male Meetup announcements

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal, In real life


Contact: Unknown


History Of The World

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown


NH Homesteading Deals

Purpose: Unknown

Target Segment: Unknown

Primary platform(s): Signal


Contact: Unknown